Friday’s Cocktail:
Martini Royale
Ingredients – Vodka, some crème de cassis, two splashes of Champagne and a lemon twist. Cocktail fit for the commencement of the Olympics in London.
Happy Hour Drinking Topics:
1. In the Ancient #Olympics Greeks were the only race allowed in competition; today the whole world is invited. That’s what makes the Olympics so great. #MarchVegas
2. If anyone knows the skills sets required to pull off those opening ceremonies, please give me a shout on FaceBook. Note: If you’re British that will include a beer as well.
3. I’m not sure I’ve seen so many gaffes from a presidential candidate like we’re seeing from Mitt. He’s been in London for only 48 hours and he’s already offended the home country; good grief.
3.5 If betting on the Olympics keeps you in the game, check this out from the odds makers:
4. When not viewing the Games tonite, check out Kelis at Tryst, 10pm in Vegas.
[half-s7lvin] – noun 1. The amount of drinks it takes to reach your full potential during MARCHVEGAS (March 21 – 24, 2013); affects judgment, memory, relationships, commitment, vision, speech and grammer. 2. The numerical equivalence equal to or between 3.5 – 7.5 cocktails consumed.